Industrial Services

Wilcox has decades of experience helping companies to meet regulatory standards for the management of industrial waste, water, and air emissions. Wilcox has successfully completed projects for automotive facilities, refineries, iron and steel foundries, asphalt plants, agricultural facilities, utility companies, landfills, and other municipal and manufacturing facilities.


Management of environmental issues is a key element to meeting local, state, and federal regulatory requirements.  Wilcox understands that compliance requirements are site-specific and vary among different types of industries.  As a result, we provide a variety of services ranging from permitting to developing effective environmental management plans.  Environmental audits provide an overall evaluation of environmental compliance associated with a facility or property involving land, air, and water issues.  Through our environmental audits, Wilcox assesses potential non-compliance issues to reduce potential financial liabilities.


Wilcox has provided environmental management support to numerous industrial clients.  These projects include National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting, sampling and analysis plan development, Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan development, spill response, storm water permitting, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) development, water/wastewater sampling and analysis, and Homeland Security Plans.  Additional projects include litigation support, Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) negotiations, technical assistance, Phase I and II Site Assessments, Transaction Screens, Risk Management Plans, Environmental Reviews for the Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC), and Facility Audits / Assessments, SARA Title II and III, and Toxic Organic Management Plan development.


Permitting and Reporting:

  • Air Permits (Exemption, Registration, Construction Operating, FESOP, Title V)
  • Municipality Discharge Permits
  • NPDES Permits
  • Permit Compliance Audits
  • Permit Compliance Management
  • Permit Modification and Renewal
  • SARA Title II and Title III Reports
  • Storm Water Permits
  • Wastewater Construction and Operation Permits
  • Wetlands Permitting

Auditing/Due Diligence:

  • Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
  • Environmental Compliance Audits
  • ISO 14001 Internal Audits


Management Plans and Systems:

  • Chemical Hygiene Plans
  • Emergency Action Plan
  • Groundwater Management Plans
  • Hazardous Waste Contingency Plans
  • Hazardous Materials Management Plans
  • Health and Safety Plans
  • Integrated Contingency Plans
  • Pollution Prevention/BMP Plans
  • Quality Assurance Plans
  • Sampling and Analysis Plans
  • Toxic Organic Management Plans
  • Waste Characterization Plans
  • Risk Management Plans
  • Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
  • Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans
  • ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems (EMS)