Wilcox has been selected to assist in implementing the City of Evansville’s long-term combined sewer (CSO) overflow remediation plan. Wilcox is part of a team whose members include CTL Engineering and Lochmueller Group. The CSO plan, which will cost an estimated $729 million over 25 years, resulted from six years of negotiation and development with the US Environmental Protection Agency and is the largest capital project in the City’s history. The plan is intended to reduce the volume of wastewater that flows into the Ohio River during large precipitation and meltwater events by up to 98 percent. The plan will result in roughly 200 engineering and construction projects through 2040. One of the first projects will entail Wilcox hydrogeologists and engineers conducting a hydrostatic uplift analysis of the Bee Slough area near the Ohio River to support the design of a 30-45 acre constructed wetland to treat wastewater and provide additional storage capacity for overflows from the City’s sanitary and stormwater sewer systems.
If you’d like to know more about Wilcox Environmental Engineering’s hydrogeologic services, please contact Dr. Jim King at jking@wilcoxenv.com or (317) 472-0999.